The Most Operator Donkey in Afghanistan

Members of a Special Operations Forces team and their Afghan Special Security Forces partners use donkeys to conduct a non-traditional resupply while they conduct clearing operations against ISIS-K.

Little known fact, the Islamic State had a branch of fighters that operated in Afghanistan. That group was known as ISIS-K and they primarily operated out of the Nanagarhar and Khorasan provinces of Afghanistan. While they were there, Special Operations teams from all of NATO and Afghan Commandos were dispatched into the regions to clear them out. The Islamic State sub-group even attempted to make a breakthrough in Helmand Province, but they were quickly shut down by superior, more experienced Taliban fighters who thought the group was too extreme.

This video, which was recorded by an American Public Affairs Officer back in 2018, shows a U.S. Special Operations Team using a donkey to conduct a non-traditional resupply. Actions like this were taken when normal logistics operations were impossible because the team was too far outside of friendly lines, and air resupply didn't make sense.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

Members of a Special Operations Forces team and their Afghan Special Security Forces partners use donkeys to conduct a non-traditional resupply while they conduct clearing operations against ISIS-K.

Little known fact, the Islamic State had a branch of fighters that operated in Afghanistan. That group was known as ISIS-K and they primarily operated out of the Nanagarhar and Khorasan provinces of Afghanistan. While they were there, Special Operations teams from all of NATO and Afghan Commandos were dispatched into the regions to clear them out. The Islamic State sub-group even attempted to make a breakthrough in Helmand Province, but they were quickly shut down by superior, more experienced Taliban fighters who thought the group was too extreme.

This video, which was recorded by an American Public Affairs Officer back in 2018, shows a U.S. Special Operations Team using a donkey to conduct a non-traditional resupply. Actions like this were taken when normal logistics operations were impossible because the team was too far outside of friendly lines, and air resupply didn't make sense.

josh brooks

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