Ukrainian Missile Malfunctions During Launch

Video with striking similarity to footage coming out of the Russian perspective shows a Ukrainian Buk-1 having a nearly catastrophic malfunction during the launch process.

It's slightly unusual to see two similar missile systems malfunctioning on the same day, especially when it's video from opposing sides of the same conflict encountering the issue at the nearly the same exact time. That said, we're going to chalk this up as a coincidence for right now, because stranger things have happened in this world.

It's unclear where this video was filmed, but it was released around the same time as the Russian footage with the missile returning itself to the sender. The weapon system in use appears to be a Buk-1, and it was recorded by Ukrainian forces.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Video with striking similarity to footage coming out of the Russian perspective shows a Ukrainian Buk-1 having a nearly catastrophic malfunction during the launch process.

It's slightly unusual to see two similar missile systems malfunctioning on the same day, especially when it's video from opposing sides of the same conflict encountering the issue at the nearly the same exact time. That said, we're going to chalk this up as a coincidence for right now, because stranger things have happened in this world.

It's unclear where this video was filmed, but it was released around the same time as the Russian footage with the missile returning itself to the sender. The weapon system in use appears to be a Buk-1, and it was recorded by Ukrainian forces.

josh brooks

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