The Original TOW Crew Smashes Syrian Vehicle Depot

Members of the First Coastal Division utilize an American CIA supplied TOW missile to absolutely smash a Syrian Arab Army vehicle depot in Western Syria.

Believe it or not, if you've been following the Funker530 project for more than five years, you've probably seen dozens of ATGM strikes by this specific team. The First Coastal Division was a group of Free Syrian Army fighters that was endorsed and supplied BGM-71 TOW missile systems by the American CIA. The way that their operation worked was pretty awesome, but it also sparked an epidemic of ATGM systems being used by terror groups throughout the region.

Because the First Coastal Division was not comprised of any extremist fighters initially, they were able to obtain supplies to fight back against the Syrian Arab Army from the American CIA. To get their TOW missile systems, they had to record each strike, and show evidence and accountability for every missile. Basically, they fire one missile, prove that the missile was against a legitimate military target to the CIA, and they get a new missile to replace it. Rinse and repeat ad-infinitum.

The problem with this however was the simple fact that these strikes circulated the internet like wildfire. Especially throughout the Middle East, where people were paying much closer attention to the combat footage that was happening directly in their own backyard. Extremist groups saw the effectiveness of these ATGM systems, and started picking up any kind of ATGM system they could get off of black markets in their area. Instead of the Singer Effect toppling the Syrian Regime, instead we saw the BGM-71 TOW Effect take place.

Now, because of the success of the First Coastal Division and the proliferation of their videos being spread throughout extremist factions in the Middle East, every terrorist organization in the world has essentially replaced the Sniper Rifle and Mortar Tube with surplus Chinese and Soviet era ATGM systems.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

Members of the First Coastal Division utilize an American CIA supplied TOW missile to absolutely smash a Syrian Arab Army vehicle depot in Western Syria.

Believe it or not, if you've been following the Funker530 project for more than five years, you've probably seen dozens of ATGM strikes by this specific team. The First Coastal Division was a group of Free Syrian Army fighters that was endorsed and supplied BGM-71 TOW missile systems by the American CIA. The way that their operation worked was pretty awesome, but it also sparked an epidemic of ATGM systems being used by terror groups throughout the region.

Because the First Coastal Division was not comprised of any extremist fighters initially, they were able to obtain supplies to fight back against the Syrian Arab Army from the American CIA. To get their TOW missile systems, they had to record each strike, and show evidence and accountability for every missile. Basically, they fire one missile, prove that the missile was against a legitimate military target to the CIA, and they get a new missile to replace it. Rinse and repeat ad-infinitum.

The problem with this however was the simple fact that these strikes circulated the internet like wildfire. Especially throughout the Middle East, where people were paying much closer attention to the combat footage that was happening directly in their own backyard. Extremist groups saw the effectiveness of these ATGM systems, and started picking up any kind of ATGM system they could get off of black markets in their area. Instead of the Singer Effect toppling the Syrian Regime, instead we saw the BGM-71 TOW Effect take place.

Now, because of the success of the First Coastal Division and the proliferation of their videos being spread throughout extremist factions in the Middle East, every terrorist organization in the world has essentially replaced the Sniper Rifle and Mortar Tube with surplus Chinese and Soviet era ATGM systems.

josh brooks

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