Russian KA-52 Destroys Multiple Ukrainian Targets of Opportunity

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage of one of their KA-52 attack helicopters carrying out several strikes against Ukrainian targets of opportunity.

This morning I had an interesting conversation with my fellow writer Will Killmore. He mentioned that down in the comments section, there's some serious mental gymnastics occurring for our users who are very pro-Ukraine. The gymnastics tend to only occur when we show footage from the Russian perspective showing the Ukrainians taking casualties or losing ground, and they seem to think that there is absolutely no possible way that the footage showing these things could be real.

I hate to break this to you, but Ukraine is in the middle of a conflict. They are being invaded by a numerically superior force. While it's true that the Russians are fully incompetent, and have shown as much throughout the conflict, Russia is still very much in the fight and accomplishing their own military objectives.

In every firefight, in every war, in every artillery exchange, there are always two sides. One of the first things unit leaders in the military learn is that the enemy always gets a say. Russia learned this themselves when they invaded Ukraine expecting the conflict to be over inside of 72 hours. Ukraine had a say in that equation and made the Russians eat sand. Now, the Ukrainians are thinking they'll fully push the Russians out of Ukraine, and they too are learning that the Russians have a say in this equation.

It's a war folks. People on both sides are going to die. People on both sides are going to be maimed and injured. People from everywhere are going to have their lives irreversibly changed forever, and that's just the tough reality of it.

We're not going to stop showing the Russian perspective or Russian victories, nor are we going to stop showing things that make Ukraine look bad when they occur. Funker530 is a webpage that documents war. We cover the good, the bad, and the ugly. It doesn't matter what the situation or context is, we're not going to shy away from it because it makes our or someone else's feelers tingle a certain way.

You're welcome to call us propagandists whenever we post footage released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, like the video above. Just know that the Russians or Pro-Russian people see and think the exact same thing whenever we post the footage from the Ukrainian perspective showing the Russians losing ground, and troops. They say the same thing when we show something that looks bad for Russia.

I will lose exactly zero seconds of sleep knowing that you think I'm a propagandist. I document conflicts and conflict footage. If you don't like that, I apologize.

That doesn't mean we're going to stop.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage of one of their KA-52 attack helicopters carrying out several strikes against Ukrainian targets of opportunity.

This morning I had an interesting conversation with my fellow writer Will Killmore. He mentioned that down in the comments section, there's some serious mental gymnastics occurring for our users who are very pro-Ukraine. The gymnastics tend to only occur when we show footage from the Russian perspective showing the Ukrainians taking casualties or losing ground, and they seem to think that there is absolutely no possible way that the footage showing these things could be real.

I hate to break this to you, but Ukraine is in the middle of a conflict. They are being invaded by a numerically superior force. While it's true that the Russians are fully incompetent, and have shown as much throughout the conflict, Russia is still very much in the fight and accomplishing their own military objectives.

In every firefight, in every war, in every artillery exchange, there are always two sides. One of the first things unit leaders in the military learn is that the enemy always gets a say. Russia learned this themselves when they invaded Ukraine expecting the conflict to be over inside of 72 hours. Ukraine had a say in that equation and made the Russians eat sand. Now, the Ukrainians are thinking they'll fully push the Russians out of Ukraine, and they too are learning that the Russians have a say in this equation.

It's a war folks. People on both sides are going to die. People on both sides are going to be maimed and injured. People from everywhere are going to have their lives irreversibly changed forever, and that's just the tough reality of it.

We're not going to stop showing the Russian perspective or Russian victories, nor are we going to stop showing things that make Ukraine look bad when they occur. Funker530 is a webpage that documents war. We cover the good, the bad, and the ugly. It doesn't matter what the situation or context is, we're not going to shy away from it because it makes our or someone else's feelers tingle a certain way.

You're welcome to call us propagandists whenever we post footage released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, like the video above. Just know that the Russians or Pro-Russian people see and think the exact same thing whenever we post the footage from the Ukrainian perspective showing the Russians losing ground, and troops. They say the same thing when we show something that looks bad for Russia.

I will lose exactly zero seconds of sleep knowing that you think I'm a propagandist. I document conflicts and conflict footage. If you don't like that, I apologize.

That doesn't mean we're going to stop.

josh brooks

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