Quick Video Clip Demonstrates Munition Delivery Device for Drones

Video that Funker Actual, ASMDSS, and Ronnie most certainly won't be able to share on any social media platform currently in existence shows the device Ukrainians are 3D printing to drop munitions on Russian forces.

First and foremost, I'm not going to explain to you how this device works. Second, I'm telling you right now not to post this video to social media platforms. They will ban you for it. Anyone with half a brain for electronics can figure out how this works and replicate this exact low-tech device with a 3D printer and a cheap sensor from home depot.

This is how Ukrainian drone pilots are making multiple munition drop platforms for their commercial drones. I'm able to post this here because we have an independently owned webpage, and our own mobile app. Under no circumstances should you be sharing this with anyone over any social media platforms, nor should you be creating this own device in your home.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Video that Funker Actual, ASMDSS, and Ronnie most certainly won't be able to share on any social media platform currently in existence shows the device Ukrainians are 3D printing to drop munitions on Russian forces.

First and foremost, I'm not going to explain to you how this device works. Second, I'm telling you right now not to post this video to social media platforms. They will ban you for it. Anyone with half a brain for electronics can figure out how this works and replicate this exact low-tech device with a 3D printer and a cheap sensor from home depot.

This is how Ukrainian drone pilots are making multiple munition drop platforms for their commercial drones. I'm able to post this here because we have an independently owned webpage, and our own mobile app. Under no circumstances should you be sharing this with anyone over any social media platforms, nor should you be creating this own device in your home.

josh brooks

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