(NSFW) PKK Fighters Conduct Brutal Close Range Ambush

Members of the PKK conduct a brutal ambush against a small patrol of Turkish troops, immediately killing two and throwing the rest of the patrol into total disarray.

What you're looking at in this video is an insanely violent ambush being conducted by members of the PKK against Turkish troops patrolling through their area. The range from the shooters to the patrol is around 10 yards, and this ambush is the perfect example of how to react in an ambush scenario.

While there are plenty of obvious things that the PKK did wrong, and their lack of actual military training does show in the fact that several of the Turkish soldiers survived the immediate attack, the bigger picture to look at is the reaction of the Turkish troops.

First and foremost, they walked directly into the ambush and looked completely caught off guard. While this is a fundamental flaw in their patrolling tactics and a death sentence for the entire patrol against a better trained enemy, there's not much that can be done about it and it doesn't fall into their reaction against the ambush itself. Had the ambush not been triggered so early by small arms fire, there isn't a chance in hell these guys would have stayed standing to continue their immediate action drill. Fortunately for them, at the onset the ambush was set off too early and with inaccurate small arms fire which only leads to one of the troops at the front of the patrol being cut-off and killed. In an ambush situation at this range, this is literally one of the best things you can hope for, surviving the first few seconds of the initial contact.

In an ambush, there's only two options. You either immediately suppress the ambush in an attempt to gain fire superiority and retreat to a position of cover, or you immediately suppress the ambush in an attempt to gain fire superiority while you press towards the enemy's position. The Turkish troops did that in an almost textbook response, and chose correctly to fall back towards a position of cover. Unfortunately, the guy at the front of the patrol didn't get the memo. He fell back to the side of the road and was immediately overrun by the ambushing force's advance.

Had the Turkish troops not immediately started to put distance between themselves and the ambushing unit, they would have found themselves advancing without cover on an enemy force that had them flat-footed. The only way that could have possibly ended is with them all dead in the middle of the avenue of approach they were utilizing to conduct their movement. Instead, the guys at the rear of the patrol held their ground and put round back on the enemy position while the front of the patrol maneuvered behind them. From there, the unit probably continued to maneuver back to the nearest position of cover so that they could regroup and mount a counter-offensive on the PKK positions.

TL;DR - Ambushes suck. They suck harder at this range. You have two options and the Turks chose the right one in a bad situation.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Members of the PKK conduct a brutal ambush against a small patrol of Turkish troops, immediately killing two and throwing the rest of the patrol into total disarray.

What you're looking at in this video is an insanely violent ambush being conducted by members of the PKK against Turkish troops patrolling through their area. The range from the shooters to the patrol is around 10 yards, and this ambush is the perfect example of how to react in an ambush scenario.

While there are plenty of obvious things that the PKK did wrong, and their lack of actual military training does show in the fact that several of the Turkish soldiers survived the immediate attack, the bigger picture to look at is the reaction of the Turkish troops.

First and foremost, they walked directly into the ambush and looked completely caught off guard. While this is a fundamental flaw in their patrolling tactics and a death sentence for the entire patrol against a better trained enemy, there's not much that can be done about it and it doesn't fall into their reaction against the ambush itself. Had the ambush not been triggered so early by small arms fire, there isn't a chance in hell these guys would have stayed standing to continue their immediate action drill. Fortunately for them, at the onset the ambush was set off too early and with inaccurate small arms fire which only leads to one of the troops at the front of the patrol being cut-off and killed. In an ambush situation at this range, this is literally one of the best things you can hope for, surviving the first few seconds of the initial contact.

In an ambush, there's only two options. You either immediately suppress the ambush in an attempt to gain fire superiority and retreat to a position of cover, or you immediately suppress the ambush in an attempt to gain fire superiority while you press towards the enemy's position. The Turkish troops did that in an almost textbook response, and chose correctly to fall back towards a position of cover. Unfortunately, the guy at the front of the patrol didn't get the memo. He fell back to the side of the road and was immediately overrun by the ambushing force's advance.

Had the Turkish troops not immediately started to put distance between themselves and the ambushing unit, they would have found themselves advancing without cover on an enemy force that had them flat-footed. The only way that could have possibly ended is with them all dead in the middle of the avenue of approach they were utilizing to conduct their movement. Instead, the guys at the rear of the patrol held their ground and put round back on the enemy position while the front of the patrol maneuvered behind them. From there, the unit probably continued to maneuver back to the nearest position of cover so that they could regroup and mount a counter-offensive on the PKK positions.

TL;DR - Ambushes suck. They suck harder at this range. You have two options and the Turks chose the right one in a bad situation.

josh brooks

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