(NSFW) Insurgent Drops Spiked Round in Iraq

Video that would make the host of the Funker News Network incredibly happy showcases an Iraqi insurgent dropping a spike mortar round. It detonates inside of the tube, destroying both the tube and the insurgent.

If you've never heard of psychological operations before, better known as psy ops, you're looking at one in this video. The purpose of this style of operation is to induce feelings on the enemy to get them to act in a certain way. Specifically in this video, you're looking at a psy op designed to induce fear on the insurgency who are using black market munitions to wage a guerilla war against the Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces.

Ronnie can't show this video on stream or over on YouTube, but hopefully he'll make a video specifically about this type of Psy Op to post here on the webpage.

For those of you who are still out of the loop, it was not uncommon for rigged ammunition to be sold on the black market to insurgents during the Global War on Terror. This munition, when used, would detonate destroying the equipment and insurgent using it.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Video that would make the host of the Funker News Network incredibly happy showcases an Iraqi insurgent dropping a spike mortar round. It detonates inside of the tube, destroying both the tube and the insurgent.

If you've never heard of psychological operations before, better known as psy ops, you're looking at one in this video. The purpose of this style of operation is to induce feelings on the enemy to get them to act in a certain way. Specifically in this video, you're looking at a psy op designed to induce fear on the insurgency who are using black market munitions to wage a guerilla war against the Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces.

Ronnie can't show this video on stream or over on YouTube, but hopefully he'll make a video specifically about this type of Psy Op to post here on the webpage.

For those of you who are still out of the loop, it was not uncommon for rigged ammunition to be sold on the black market to insurgents during the Global War on Terror. This munition, when used, would detonate destroying the equipment and insurgent using it.

josh brooks

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