Insane Footage of an SU-24 Bombing Ukrainian Positions

Footage of what appears to be an SU-24 was released today showing a bombing run on multiple Ukrainian positions in an unknown part of Ukraine.

We don't say footage is insane often here, so let me explain. What you're looking at is a pretty ancient air-to-ground combat technique. Terrain-followed bombing runs are a pretty old tactic. Generally speaking, when you witness this type of bombing run it's from footage recorded during WW2, Korea, or Vietnam. Modern bombing runs generally don't happen like this, because modern weapon systems don't generally require the pilot to get low to the deck and ditch dumb bombs on to the intended target.

This footage is about as high quality as it gets, and it was recorded within the last 72 hours or so. It shows a modern fighter jet flying in low with the terrain and ditching their payload over top of their targets with absolutely no guidance system required. To me, that makes it pretty insane. Maybe not to you, but you normally don't see this technique captured in such high quality.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Footage of what appears to be an SU-24 was released today showing a bombing run on multiple Ukrainian positions in an unknown part of Ukraine.

We don't say footage is insane often here, so let me explain. What you're looking at is a pretty ancient air-to-ground combat technique. Terrain-followed bombing runs are a pretty old tactic. Generally speaking, when you witness this type of bombing run it's from footage recorded during WW2, Korea, or Vietnam. Modern bombing runs generally don't happen like this, because modern weapon systems don't generally require the pilot to get low to the deck and ditch dumb bombs on to the intended target.

This footage is about as high quality as it gets, and it was recorded within the last 72 hours or so. It shows a modern fighter jet flying in low with the terrain and ditching their payload over top of their targets with absolutely no guidance system required. To me, that makes it pretty insane. Maybe not to you, but you normally don't see this technique captured in such high quality.

josh brooks

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