FSA Fighter Shot at by Tank - Doesn't Even Flinch

An FSA Fighter proves that cool guys really don't ever look at explosions. If you ever get to this point, you're either fully desensitized to the conflict happening around you, or suicidal.

What you're looking at in this video is early footage from the conflict in Syria. Judging by the terrain and time-frame that the video was published, this is combat footage from Aleppo, circa 2014 or 2015. The fighting in the city was absolutely brutal, so it actually kind of explains what's going on with this individual FSA fighter better than you would think.

Chances are, this guy has been on the front-lines long enough that he's just already come to the conclusion that he is going to die. When you get into that headspace, unfortunately, it's very hard to leave it. While it does make for a cool video in this instance, there's a very good chance that there's some deeper problems happening with this man.

josh brooks

Published 3 years ago

An FSA Fighter proves that cool guys really don't ever look at explosions. If you ever get to this point, you're either fully desensitized to the conflict happening around you, or suicidal.

What you're looking at in this video is early footage from the conflict in Syria. Judging by the terrain and time-frame that the video was published, this is combat footage from Aleppo, circa 2014 or 2015. The fighting in the city was absolutely brutal, so it actually kind of explains what's going on with this individual FSA fighter better than you would think.

Chances are, this guy has been on the front-lines long enough that he's just already come to the conclusion that he is going to die. When you get into that headspace, unfortunately, it's very hard to leave it. While it does make for a cool video in this instance, there's a very good chance that there's some deeper problems happening with this man.

josh brooks

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